You can count on our soft washing experts to keep your exterior spotless.
When it comes to exterior cleaning, there are two main methods on the market: pressure washing and soft washing. These two methods are equally effective, but they are best used for different applications. For example, pressure washing is better for harder materials such as stone and concrete, while soft washing is better for softer materials like siding, shingles, stucco, etc. Our team at Nashville Soft Wash Pros offers both pressure washing and soft washing, and you can count on us to determine which method is best for your needs and to deliver outstanding results.
Our soft washing and pressure washing services are similar in many ways, as both involve treating the target surface with a specialized cleaning solution. The main difference between them is the intensity of the water pressure used to wash all the grime away. The pressure created by pressure washing equipment can exceed 1,000 psi, while soft washing pressure never exceeds 200 psi. Because the water pressure is so light and gentle, there is no risk of it damaging your building materials. In addition, this technique still delivers thorough results because the cleaning solution does most of the work of emulsifying the dirt, grime, and organic growth (such as mold, mildew, and algae).
We are proud to serve the community here in Nashville, Tennessee, and we want to help you take good care of your exterior structures. If you are interested in our soft washing services, just give us a call to find out how to get started.
Contact Nashville Soft Wash Pros Today!
FAQs About Soft Washing
We are proud to provide soft washing services for homes and businesses in the area. Because we know most people are not as familiar with soft washing as they are with pressure washing, we have answered some frequently asked questions about soft washing below. Contact us if you have any other questions about soft washing or our other services.
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Should brick be soft washed or pressure washed?
Pressure washing can be an acceptable method for cleaning brick up to a point, but we normally soft wash brick instead. The lower pressure is not as harsh on the material, and soft washing won’t pull mortar out from between the bricks like pressure washing can in some cases. We can evaluate your brick surfaces to determine the appropriate method, but it will most likely be soft washing.
What are the advantages of soft washing over pressure washing?
Are there any surfaces or materials that should always be soft washed?
Contact Nashville Soft Wash Pros Today!
At Nashville Soft Wash Pros, we offer soft washing services in Nashville, Sylvan Park, Hillwood Estates, Brentwood, Franklin, Bellevue, Green Hills, Belle Meade, Oak Hill, and Forest Hills, Tennessee.