Our power washing services are thorough and effective.
When it comes to methods for cleaning your exterior surfaces, power washing is probably the first thing that comes to mind. While this is an effective technique for durable surfaces, power washing can actually damage delicate materials like siding, wood, and even some types of brick or stone. At Nashville Soft Wash Pros, our highly experienced and trained team knows how to properly evaluate your home or business’s exterior surfaces and determine whether power washing is indeed the best method or if a gentler alternative, like soft washing, would be better.
Our policy is to only use power washing on surfaces made of concrete or durable stone, since they are able to withstand the high-pressure spray of water. For all other surfaces, we use soft washing, which requires a much lower PSI and therefore does not run the risk of damaging what we’re cleaning for you. In either case, we use a specialized blend of cleaners that will target dirt and other contaminants and thoroughly remove them, leaving behind a clean surface for you to enjoy.
Power washing is extremely effective for commercial areas like concrete dumpster pads or parking lots, since it is particularly effective at removing grease and oil stains. Unlike many other power washing companies that don’t actually care if they get these often-forgotten areas truly clean, our team is just as detail-oriented and meticulous about cleaning them as we are with cleaning the highly visible areas like the siding or roof.
When you need a company you can trust to clean all the different exterior surfaces of your property with equal care and attentiveness, you can count on us. We proudly serve customers throughout the Nashville, Tennessee area, so contact us today to learn more or schedule a service.
Contact Nashville Soft Wash Pros Today!
FAQs About Power Washing
Power washing can make a major difference on your residential or commercial property by improving the appearance of your exterior surfaces and removing contaminants that could become slipping hazards. While power washing is a well-known technique, you may still have questions for us, so we have answered some frequently asked questions below for your convenience.
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How much more powerful is power washing compared to soft washing?
Soft washing uses low-psi cleaning below 200 psi, while power washing is between 1,000 to 3,000 psi. In terms of sheer force, power washing is much more powerful. However, the cleaning power of these techniques doesn’t lie in the amount of pressure alone. Soft washing uses highly effective cleaning solutions to kill organic material, producing longer-lasting results, where power washing may use water exclusively. Power washing can be used in tandem with cleaning solutions though.
Will power washing take care of the algae, moss, or bacteria on my surfaces?
How often should a dumpster pad be power washed?
What sets you apart from other power washing companies?
Contact Nashville Soft Wash Pros Today!
At Nashville Soft Wash Pros, we offer power washing services in Nashville, Sylvan Park, Hillwood Estates, Brentwood, Franklin, Bellevue, Green Hills, Belle Meade, Oak Hill, and Forest Hills, Tennessee.